Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) has always been paying close attention to the issue of single mums . Many of the single mums are encountering financial struggles today due to the impact of pandemic in the past year. By noticing the issue, MRCA has initiated a fundraising charity project named “Love Touches Lives ” to alleviate the economic impact on the singles mums.
Upholding the value of “We Care ”, Wellous has raised a total of RM10,000 from the generous amount of RM100,000 donations as a gesture of helping the single mums in fighting through the hard times.
Everyone has the potential to contribute back to society, as long as you have the will!
马来西亚连锁协会(MRCA)一直都有在关注“单亲妈妈”的问题。但由于近年来国人受到疫情的冲击,导致单亲妈妈们的经济状况也受到牵连 。配合MRCA发起【爱,触动人心】的慈善筹款活动,希望可以借此机会筹募捐款,帮助这些单亲妈妈。